plant-based-dietDoes a plant based diet heal the pancreas? From my personal experience I have to say yes. Once I eliminated all the foods with a high fat content I was basically faced with a plant based diet. The plant based diet is nothing new to mankind.  In fact …

From the dawn of creation man was originally meant to eat a plant based diet. This is evident from God's Word, the Bible. In the beginning God Said:

"I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food." And it was so." Genesis 1:29-30

Heal Your Pancreas With a Plant Based Diet

Both acute and uncontrolled chronic pancreatitis cause pancreas damage. That's a fact. It is also becoming more widely recognized that FAT and ALCOHOL are the enemies when it comes to a diet for pancreatitis. By eating what God originally intended you may find, like me, that you too can heal your pancreas.

vegan-plant-based-dietAccording to God we were never intended to eat high fat animal flesh. Then man sinned against God and then, somewhere about the time of Cain and Abel, began eating animal flesh. God then allowed man to eat certain meats and fish.

Pork and other animals that did not BOTH chew the cud and have cloven hooves were taboo. Seafood that did not have fins and scales (weren't fish) were taboo (Leviticus 11 – New American Standard Bible). In other words, clams, scallops, shrimp, lobster (no fins and no scales), along with all that high fat bacon you may still be consuming is not a good thing and God does NOT approve. But when it comes to pancreatitis that is NOT the whole story.

Beef, duck, lamb and some plant foods, even though approved foods, have way too much fat content. So healing your pancreas after it has been damaged by acute pancreatitis or uncontrolled chronic pancreatitis is going to take a whole new eating lifestyle, a plant based diet that has been modified to heal the pancreas.

A Plant Based Diet Eliminates Fat!

A Plant Based Diet Helped Me HealObviously God had His reasons for a plant based diet. Some of His reasons may have been to prevent what we now know to be atherosclerosis (coronary and peripheral artery disease), cancer, diabetes, obesity and a myriad of other conditions that are directly linked to diet. Of course this is predicated upon the assumption you believe in God and read His Word. If not then you have to decide whether or not a plant based diet may be beneficial in your life by way of healing your pancreas however …

A plant based diet helped me heal. If you want to heal your damaged pancreas I suggest you pay attention to your diet and make appropriate changes. You can find out how to create your own food diary and thereby know exactly what is safe for you to eat when you have pancreatitis on this blog.

Once you heal your pancreas you can then graduate from a modified plant based diet (vegan) to one that contains certain meats (poultry such as skinless chicken, turkey, quail, pheasant, grouse) and fish for more protein.